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April Skin 4D Stick Review

Hi guys!

As part of our affiliation with Earlypicker, an online Korean beauty store, I received April Skin's 4D stick. So first, I'd like to thank Earlypicker for sending us these products!

You can check out their site here.

I personally love cream formulas when it comes to face products, and I was excited to receive this from Earlypicker.

the product

Each of the 4D sticks come with both the cream product (8g) as well as a removable stiff brush to blend it all together. It claims to be moisturising with touches of argania spinosa kernal oil, vitamin E and jojoba oil.

April Skin's 4D Stick comes in a selection of 4 shades consisting of two blushes, one bronzer/contour and a highlighter.

From left to right: 01 Darling Pink, 02 Delicious Orange, 03 Diet Bronzer, 04 Diamond Highlight

The only downer about the colour range is that there are only 4 different colours to choose from, and additionally, these products can only cover a narrow range of skin tones, as per usual with Korean brands.

Out of the four choices, I got the bronzer of the collection (03 Diet Bronzer).

From Earlypicker, the product sells for USD$19 (AUD$24.74) as compared to the original retail price of USD$23 (AUD$29.94), which in comparison is a reasonably good deal. However, there are cheaper products out there that could serve as an alternative.

First impressions

The first thing I noticed about the product when swatching is that it's quite sheer, so you would have to really get in to get a nice bronzed outcome. It also seemed a bit oily/slick, far from matte I'd have to say.

However, colourwise, it comes off a bit neutral in colour, which is a bit odd for a bronzing product. Yet when you blend it into the skin, it does seem to warm up a bit whilst giving you a slight shading/contour look.

As it comes off pretty sheer, it does give you that subtle warmth, so if you're like me is into the minimal bronzer/contour look, I recommend this for you.

The brush end is a decent addition to the product. It works well with it, as do dense brushes and creams, and the bristles are super soft and not irritating at all.

However, I began to notice that the product began to pull away stray baby hairs and dust and such, which was pretty nasty.

As for lasting power, I'd say it stayed put for a couple hours which is great for an event-type occasion, but it's definitely not something that would be suitable for a day-to-night look.


Whilst this product is super convenient to use on the go and provides you with a natural, warm glow, the 4D stick just doesn't hit the mark with durability, and in conjunction with its pricing, there are better, more wearable and cheaper bronzers on the market.

Would I recommend this product?

If you really want a product that supplies you with convenience, then sure!

However, personally I wouldn't reach for this product again (despite my love for cream products).

I would like to thank EarlyPicker again for this wonderful opportunity! Don't forget to check out their site linked above.

Until next time, byee.

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